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Heart's Sweet Receptors: New Cardiac Regulation Pathway
Cellular Scaffold Enables Myoblast Implant Success
Next-generation Degradable 3D Meshes To Repair POP
Chip Predicts Immunotherapy Success Against Melanoma
Leg Muscle Signals Early Heart Failure Alert: Study
Woman Fined $5k For Failing To Feed Lost Dog
NTT, Harvard Use AI to Enhance Biohybrid Ray Tech
Machine Learning Aids in Designing Life-Saving Enzymes
Gene Silencer in Junk DNA Halts Fatal Brain Disease
Airman Heroically Saves Skier's Life
Chemotherapy Side Effects Can Include Risks To Heart
Simple Steps to Prevent Heart Disease Now
USTC Unveils 19-DOF Biomimetic Prosthetic Hand
Heart Symbol of Love: Timeless Evolution
Bioengineering Makes Robotic Limbs Feel Natural
Jumping Workouts May Aid Astronauts on Moon, Mars
Supplement Boosts Survival in New Heart Disease Study
Research Unveils Immune System's Key Role in ALS
Indigenous Wisdom Combines with Science in Vanuatu
Peacock Spiders Lead Kin with Record Jump Speed
Research Finds Markers for Parkinson's 5 Clinical Stages
New Test Predicts Fall Risk in Seniors Months Ahead
Novel Self-Healing E-Skin Monitors Health
Biohybrid Hand Gestures With Human Muscles
Exercise Boosts Brain for Athletes with Concussions
Dengue Serotype 3 Return May Worsen Brazil Outbreaks
Rutgers Surgeons Lead NJ's First Robotic Breast Reconstruction
PanK4 Found to Regulate Glucose, Lipid Metabolism
Brain Trauma Key to Alzheimer's Trigger
Mechanism For Treating Muscle Wasting Discovered
DNA Methylation Clocks Need Tissue-Specific Tweaks
AI Boosts Rheumatology Care Through New Research
$8M Boost for Australia-Japan Research Initiatives
Yaz, Yasmin Pills Cheaper by March: What's Different?
New Mechanism for Male Hormone Uncovered
Why Babies Heal, Adults Scar After Heart Damage
18,000-Year-Old Cannibalism Evidence Discovered
Type One Energy, TVA Ink Deal for First Fusion Plant
NIH Trial to Test New Dengue Treatment
New Path for Easier Mitochondrial Disorder Diagnosis
Nikki McKilliams' 10-Year Journey to 100-Mile Triumph
New AI Model Boosts Woody Breast Detection in Chickens
Brain's Miraculous Ability to Switch Off Pain
New Heart Implants: Breakthrough or Just Hype?
Sappers Support Townsville
Body Clues Unlock Brain Signaling Secrets
Mitochondria: Potential Key to Diabetes Cure
10 Surprising Inventions From Waterloo