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Cosmic Cannibals Eject Jets at Nearly Half Light Speed
Earths Most Powerful Ocean Currents Evolution
Revolutionary Cooling Method Unveiled for Quantum Simulators
Spiral Magnetic Fields Envelop Milky Way Center in New Image
Strong Magnetic Fields Discovered at Milky Way's Black Hole Edge
CERN, STFC Back Eco-Friendly Physics Initiatives
Deciphering Dance Of Electrons And Water Molecules
Forests Proven to Trap Airborne Microplastics: Global First
UK Gov Funds Advance Tools to Halt Future Pandemics
Silicon Spikes Take Out 96% Of Virus Particles
NASA's OSIRIS-REx Mission Awarded Collier Trophy
Cell-Based Therapy Heals Muscle Post Rotator Cuff Injury
Alarming Air Quality at Train Stations: Paths to Improvement
Purdue Innovations Manipulate Flame Shape, Heat Release
Shedding Light On Sea Creatures' Secrets
Researchers Step Closer To HIV Cure
Delicate Balance Of Lepton Flavours
Silicon Spikes Destroy 96% of Virus Particles
Novel Technique Unveiled for Nanoscale Entropy Measurement
Parity Anomaly Demonstrated In Topological Insulator
Researchers Pursue Quantum Gravity Evidence in South Pole
Math Innovations Boost Seismic Activity Detection
Curious Kids: Making and Diversity of Eye Colour
NASAs Sounding Rockets to Probe Moons Shadow In Eclipse
MIT Engineers Test New Techniques to Unravel Landslide, Earthquake Mechanics
MIT Engineers Test New Technique to Investigate Landslides, Earthquakes
Exploring Wildness of Bengal Cat Genome
NASA's PACE Data Adopters Study Air Quality, Ocean Health
CMS Records First Photons-to-Taus Observation in Proton Collisions
Determining Number of Fish in School
Quantum Interference May Shrink, Speed Up Transistors
Unveiling New Insights on Ga-68 Radiopharmaceuticals
Global Quantum Communication Security Nears Reality
Bulevirtide Binds to Hepatitis B/D Virus Receptor NTCP: Study
Elusive 3D-Printed Nanoparticles May Spur Shapeshifting Materials
James Webb Captures Stellar Birth and Death in Stunning Images
How Micro- And Nanoplastics Are Infiltrating Arctic Ice
Global Quantum Communication Security Edges Closer
Why M87 Black Hole Jets Illuminate Cosmic Sky: CAS Study
NASA Develops Metamaterial Particles for Orbit Cleanup
Physics Principles Explain Cell Self-Sorting in Development
CERN Launches White Rabbit Collaboration
Hidden Quantum Critical Point Found in 2D Superconductors
James Webb Telescope Documents Planet Formation Finale
Microplastics Threaten Archaeological Sites, York Study Finds
New Reactor Promises Savings on Plastic, Rubber Production
Dark Matter May Create Explosive Stars, Study Reveals
Research: Robots May Transform Construction Waste Recycling