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Silent Flight Nears Reality, New Research Suggests
Revolutionizing Therapy for Rare Kidney Condition in Kids
Studies on Aging Adults Lacking Despite Cancer Link
USAID Chief Samantha Power Makes Official Visit to Angola
Smart Devices That Truly Cut Energy Bills
Longest Chronic Covid Case Spurs Fear of New Immune-Evasive Variants
Fresh Focus For Our Regions
Minister To Europe For OECD Meeting, Anzac Day
Gene Therapy Stops Cancer: Will It Tackle Brain Tumors?
Zebrafish's Unique Ability to Regenerate Heart Tissue Explored
Budget 2024 Boosts Worker Economy
Nine WashU Faculty Elected To AAAS
Childhood Maltreatment Tied to Adult Substance Abuse
Invasive Species Signal Ecosystem Shifts Ahead
Ministers Highlight Budget 2024 Student Research Funding in Hamilton
26th Annual SOS Conference Takes Place in Cocoa Beach, FL
BJP's Enduring Success in India: Secret of Thousands of Modis
Global Study Reveals More Insects Emerge After Dark
CU Boulder Researchers Drive Change with 7 Earth Day Actions
Tackling Rising Suicide Rates Linked to Gambling
Hasty Health System Overhaul May Haunt Government
Rice Bioengineers Secure $1.4M ARPA-H Grant for Osteoarthritis Study
Deep Learning Deploys to Image Earth's Boundary Layer
Fishponds Could Boost Hawaiʻi's Food Sustainability
Hartzell Lobbies Congress for Public AI Research Support
Dana-Farber Gains Backing for New Cancer Hospital Proposal
COVID-19 Booster Enhances Immunity Duration, York Study Finds
Advancing Technology For Aquaculture
Octopus Inspires Novel Robotic Suction Mechanism
B.O.A.T. Brightest Of All Time
Exhibition Reveals Channel Tunnel's Decades-Long Genesis
Cognitive Jobs May Shield Against Late-life Dementia
Research: No Rise in Substance Abuse Amid Cannabis Legalization
Surprising Reversal In Quantum Systems
Disordered Structures Boost Performance of Battery-Like Devices
FAU And Mainstreet Research Florida Poll Shows Trump Holds Solid Lead Over Biden
Why Does Wrong Pipe Swallowing Cause Coughing?
Newly Discovered Brain Pathway Sheds Light On Addiction
Unidirectional Thought Flow Explored
Scientists Pinpoint Cells Sensing Aspirated Water, Acid Reflux
Mount Sinai Identifies Brain Pathway Hijacked by Addictive Drugs
Satellite Data: Third of China's Urbanites Risk City Sinking
Skyrmions Achieve Record Speeds, Advance Future Computing
Disordered Structure Enhances Battery-Like Devices' Performance
Experts Urge Strong Science Basis for Global Plastics Treaty
China's Sinking Cities Signal Global Issue, Warns Virginia Tech
Coal Train Pollution Heightens Health Risks, Disparities
Krembil Foundation Backs Alzheimer's Brain Immunity Study