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Shoe Technology Reduces Risk Of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Tech-Enhanced Shoes Lower Diabetic Foot Ulcer Risk
Blessed Thistle Compound Spurs Nerve Regeneration
UK PM Targets Sick Note Culture in Welfare Reform Overhaul
Why Does Wrong Pipe Swallowing Cause Coughing?
Unidirectional Thought Flow Explored
Scientists Pinpoint Cells Sensing Aspirated Water, Acid Reflux
Early-Life Pain Leaves Long-Lasting Memory in Immune Cells
Brain Adjusts Sensitivity for Perfect Balance, Study Finds
95 Genome Regions Linked to PTSD, Scientists Reveal
GRDC Initiates Research Consortium for Industry Advancement
Breaking Ground On Brett Park Playground
Rosewood United, QCSA Soccer Launch 2024 Season
Neuroscientists Must Master Cognition Rhythms to Understand Dysfunction
Brazilian-Led Consortium Sequences Arabica Coffee Genome
Caltech Unravels Mysteries of Insect Wing Control
Caltech Debunks Misconception on Vertebrate Nervous System Origin
Cedars-Sinai Study Unveils Short-Term Memory Mechanisms
E-Tongue Outperforms Humans in Detecting Spoiled White Wine
P&G, A*STAR, NTU Unveil Sensor for Real-Time Skin Feel Measurement
E-Tongue Identifies Spoiled White Wine Before Humans Can
Fitness Trackers, Smartphones Data Aid in MS Management
Optus Stadium Debuts Inclusive Sensory Room Experience
Unraveling Brain's Role in Treatment-Resistant Depression
From Neurons To Learning And Memory
5 Methods to Break Stress Cycle, Prevent Burnout and Depression
Epilepsy Drug Prevents Brain Tumors In Mice With NF1
Epilepsy Medication Halts Brain Tumors in NF1 Mice
Why Do We Blink So Much?
Similarities in Human, Fruit Fly Brains Aid Research
Muscle Map Uncovers Human Battle Against Ageing
Diamond Creek's Ryans Reserve Revamp Takes Shape
Third of Women Suffer Menstrual Migraines, Peak Pre-Menopause
Cell's Trash Unit Aids Skin Neurons in Sensing Environment
Spinal Cord Injury Rehab Tech Advances Towards Market
Programmed for Learning and Memory Retention
Exploring Link Between Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy
Fagan Park to Nurture Nature Stewardship in Children's Forest
Exploring Alternatives for Chronic Back Pain Relief
Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation: Effective Apnea Treatment in Young Down Syndrome Patients
Salty Snack Size Influences Consumption Behavior
Unexplained Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Explored
Researchers Discover How We Perceive Bitter Taste
New Insights on DNA Repair Mechanism in Cockayne Syndrome
Exploring Trends Beyond Brazilian Waxes and Manscaping
King's College Discovers Neurons Key to Brain Development
"Caterpillar Noses" Are Surprisingly Sophisticated
Green Buildings: Biophilic Design Boosts Neurodivergent Wellbeing