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Securing Community Support Vital for Green Energy Transition
Scientist's RNA Fascination Revolutionizes Medicine
Canned Salmon Data Unveils 40-Year Marine Food Web Shift
Autism Alters Light Processing in Eyes, Study Reveals
Water In Soil, But Not In Groundwater
Adult Fish Recovery Challenged in Marine Protected Zones
Lapland Tree Rings Reveal Largest Modern Solar Storm
Plucking Key Evidence From Air
Devices Controlling Electric Power Unlock New Science
UMass Amherst Studies Insect Rulers for Environmental Insights
Rural Pharmacists Crucial to Home-Based Palliative Care
'Herding-Inspired Tiny Robot Smart Swarms Emerge'
Ethnic Minority NHS Staff Suffer Racism, Harassment, Discrimination
Holistic Health Approach Yields Limited Benefits
Strep Infections Reach Record High in Japan, Threatens Global Health
NASA Detects El Niño Altering Coastal Water Salinity
Gen Z Values Flexibility Over Positive Workplace Culture
Rigid Decision-Making May Harm Conscientious Workers
Why Submarine Curtains Can't Save West Antarctica Glaciers
Mega-Drought Strikes Australia Every 20 Years, Study Warns
AI, Blockchain Tackle Rising Food Fraud Health Risks
Wiley, KERIS Consortium Ink Deal for Korean Open Access Publishing
Rethinking Our Understanding of Dust
Silent Cancers: Understanding Risk When Symptoms Are Absent
Post-Black Summer Bushfires: Animal Rescue Survival Rates
Butterfly-inspired AI Technology Takes Flight
Imperial College Unveils Fast Cancer Drug Synthesis Platform
Caring for Mental Health While Clearing Parent's Home
Life Unveiled on Humpback Highway: Sex, Birth, Whalesong
Why Kinship Care Is Preferred for Aboriginal Children
Iron Fertilization Cost Uncertainty Highlighted in Study
MDR1 Mutation Puts Cats at High Risk to Common Meds
MDR1 Mutation Exposes Cats to Severe Drug Reactions
Childhood Inactivity Linked to Early Vascular Damage: Exeter Study
New Approach To Polymer Printing
Marine Reserves Boost Economy, Fisheries and Tourism
Open Waste Burning Spurs Air Pollution in NW Greenland
Rising Sea Levels Accelerate Coastal Dune Retreat, Study Shows
Synthetic Material Promises Cheaper, Easier Gut Research
Research: Pacific Islanders Utilized Fire for Landscaping
Nearly 20% Battling Long COVID
First Pig Kidney Transplant in Human Achieved, Organ Shortage Persists
North American Total Solar Eclipse May Solve Sun Mystery
TikTok Health Hacks on Female Genitalia Fall Short
Lipid Nanoparticles Boost Speed of CAR T Cell Therapy Manufacturing
Alyssa Carrell Probes Microscopic Realm for Optimal Impact
Honey Proven to Alleviate Hay Fever Symptoms, Studies Show
Federal Contract Awarded to Case Western for Live Joint Development