Tasmanian Students Trial Upgraded Mount Nelson School Oval

Jo Palmer, Minister for Education

Students at Mount Nelson Primary School are celebrating the upgraded school oval in the best possible way by competing in their cross country today.

Minister for Education, Jo Palmer, said the Tasmanian Liberal Government is delivering on our commitment to provide outdoor sports and activities for school and local community as part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future.

"This $412,000 project which has delivered an upgrades school oval is an example of that.

"The oval has recently been completely upgraded with new drainage and irrigation. Repairs and additions to the perimeter fencing have also been added, and a new path alongside the oval to improve school and community access."

Member for Clark, Madeleine Ogilvie, said that as a strong supporter of this project over many years, the upgrade had come at the perfect time for winter sports for activities for both Mount Nelson Primary and the community.

"It has been a pleasure to attend today's cross country and see this important project being used by the school for the first time," Minister Ogilvie said.

"I congratulate the contractors, school, school community and the project team that have worked in collaboration to ensure this election commitment suited the outdoor learning needs of the school.

"Partnerships with local government who provide sporting and recreational infrastructure for local communities will also benefit from this project."

Along with the School Building Blitz, the Tasmanian Government has committed $10 million school playground and sports court upgrades, for the shared benefit of schools and their local communities.

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