A general election for Warrnambool City Council will be held in October 2024.
To vote in the election, you must be enrolled by the close of roll at 4pm on Wednesday, August 7, 2024.
Two categories of voters can be enrolled to vote in the Warrnambool City Council election: State-enrolled voters and Council-enrolled voters.
State-enrolled voters
Am I enrolled to vote?
You are automatically enrolled for this election if:
• you will be 18 years of age or over on Saturday 26 October 2024 and
• you live in the City of Warrnambool and you are on the State electoral roll for your current address.
You need to enrol if:
• you are an Australian citizen aged 18 or over on Saturday 26 October 2024 and
• you live in the City of Warrnambool and you are not on the State electoral roll or
• you have lived at your current residential address within the City of Warrnambool for at least a month and have not yet updated your enrolment details, including any changes to your postal address.
How do I enrol?
You can enrol online at vec.vic.gov.au
You can also download an enrolment form from the website.
All enrolment applications must be received by the Victorian Electoral Commission by the close of roll at 4 pm on Wednesday 7 August 2024.
How can I check my State enrolment?
You can check your enrolment details online at vec.vic.gov.au at any time, or call 131 832.
Council-enrolled voters
Am I enrolled to vote?
To be a Council-enrolled voter, you must be:
• 18 years of age or over on Saturday 26 October 2024 and
• not a State-enrolled voter within the City of Warrnambool.
New rules mean you are no longer automatically enrolled if you are a non-resident property owner (e.g. a landlord or a business owner that pays rates). If you are a non-resident property owner within the City of Warrnambool, you need to apply to enrol if you wish to vote in the Warrnambool City Council election.
Who else can enrol & vote?
You may also apply to enrol if:
• you have purchased a rateable property within the City of Warrnambool since the last election but you are not a resident of the City of Warrnambool, or
• you are not an Australian citizen and you live in, and pay rates for, a property within the City of Warrnambool, or
• you pay rates on a property you occupy within the City of Warrnambool and have no other voting entitlement within the City of Warrnambool, for example
you are a shop tenant and pay rates to the Council for your tenancy, and you have no other voting entitlement within the City of Warrnambool, or
• you are a director or company secretary of a corporation within the City of Warrnambool that pays rates to Warrnambool City Council and you have no other voting entitlement within the City of Warrnambool.
How do I apply to be a Council-enrolled voter?