What's deal with DA's? We've enhanced your DA Tracker

Wingecarribee Shire

lady standing near some scaffolding outside her house

Keeping track of your Development Applications has been made easier with the recent system upgrades we've implemented over the past few months. Council has been working hard behind the scenes to improve our DA Tracker tool to place some assurance that their DA is progressing, at the applicants' fingertips.

This is where you'll start to see the value in the extensive technological upgrades Council has been investing in. We completed the initial enhancement of our DA Tracker on the 31 March 2023 which involved the implementation of the integration between the NSW Planning Portal and TechnologyOne Property and Rating (P&R) suite for Development Applications (DAs), revisions and modifications.

With this integration now being implemented, we can satisfy the requirements issued by the Department of Environment and Planning (DPE). The upgrades will save time because less application data entry is required. The service on the whole is made more efficient and cost-effective, enabling team members to focus on value-adding tasks, while improving on the accuracy and reliability of the information.

"What this means is a significantly improved customer experience when it comes to the DA process overall," says Adan Davis, Wingecarribee Shire Councils Director Communities and Place . "We are continually moving toward greater efficiencies as we work to clear the backlog of applications that had been accumulated."

Last week saw further enhancements to the system. On 22 May 2023. eTrack was enhanced this time, to allow applicants to now view more detailed information about their DA application, online, without leaving home or picking up the phone.

"Things like the list of recommended events for Council's team, such as the initial lodgement of the DA, payment of DA charges, notification requirements and referrals both internal and external." Explains George Harb Wingecarribee Shire Councils Chief Information Officer.

It makes for a more fully-integrated and easily-accessible DA tracking for the applicant.

Finally, the list will detail events related to the status of the application, such as when it has been withdrawn or when it has been appealed in the Land and Environment Court. Determinations will ultimately fall into one of three categories: approved, refused, or deferred commencement.

"Council understands that the processing of DA's is a priority for our community and we have been working very hard to implement better systems, processes and technologies that will help streamline that process for people, and offer them greater peace of mind that their application is progressing, by giving them more direct access to the details," says George "

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