Your chance to ensure integrity in sport

NT Government

Protecting the integrity of sport is important for Territorians and for the Territory Labor Government, which is now seeking public feedback on a range of sports-related activities.

Results from the 2023 Sport Integrity Survey will inform government planning and responses to ensure that sport in the NT remains fair, ethical and safe for everyone.

Sports stakeholders at all levels, be it participants, officials, volunteers or spectators, can provide information about the prevalence of harassment, discrimination, abuse, and alcohol and drugs in sport, as well as how complaints are handled.

Importantly, the government wants to hear community views on measures to enrich inclusion and diversity practices in sporting activities at all levels of competition and participation.

The survey provides an up-to-date snapshot of our local sports sector, current threats to sport integrity, and what practices are in place to address them.

The survey results will be used to develop the 2024-25 NT Sport Integrity Action Plan.

All information received through the survey is strictly confidential and treated in accordance with the Information Act 2002 (NT).

The survey is now open and will close on 31 August 2023. It can be accessed at here

Quotes from Minister for Sport, Kate Worden:

"We love our sports here in the Territory, it's often a central part of life. Integrity across all sports is of high importance.

"As a government, we want to drive continual improvement to safeguard integrity in our sports, and the values that make sport and recreation an enjoyable and sustainable part of the Territory's culture.

"Through community feedback, we will be able to get an understanding of any issues affecting sports across the Territory, and to ensure it remains fun, safe, fair and inclusive for everyone."

Northern Territory Government

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