Anula gardeners next in line for plant giveaway

Darwin City Council

Tomorrow City of Darwin will take the next of its native plant giveaways to Yanyula Park, Anula.

Lord Mayor Kon Vatskalis said the decision to stage mid-week plant giveaways as part of City of Darwin's most recent round of events had proved an outstanding success.

"We decided to see what sort of turn out we would get at mid-week events at key suburban locations, and the response so far has been overwhelming," Mr Vatskalis said.

"We gave away 500 plants in less than 15 minutes in our first mid-week event, which was held in Leanyer.

"Two weeks ago, almost 250 people showed up in Millner and tomorrow we'll have 1500 plants ready for collection at Yanyula Park.

"So, this is an opportunity for the keen gardeners of Anula to get their hands on some new plants for their yards.

"Native plants giveaways are part of Council's strategy to expand our urban forest, which will make Darwin a cooler, greener city."

Council gave away 9000 native trees to Darwin residents last year and will give away another 10,000 this year.

City of Darwin has planted more than 15,000 trees in public spaces since Cyclone Marcus in 2018 and will spend more than $3 million on tree planting and maintenance this year.

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