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Live news updates and headlines from Australia and the world as developments unfolding. Stay up to date with all of the 24/7 live coverage from first-hand sources. Australia's premier source of non-aligned, independent, real-time, OSINT news.
1 in 8 Americans over 50 show signs of food addiction, U-M poll finds
Penn and UCI Discover New Approach for Brain Cell Immunotherapy
New Material Solves Wearable Sensor Challenges Under Pressure
'Hurricane Hazel McCallion Remembered by U of T Community.'
Tweezers Reveal How Chemotherapy Affects DNA
Researchers Suggest Diversifying Higher Ed Syllabi
USAID Deputy Visits Egypt: Adams-Allen on Tour
Lawrence Livermore's Discovery Center to reopen to visitors
Students' outstanding achievement recognised
Dove Lake viewing shelter unveils spectacular views
AI Could Aid Search for Alien Life: Study
Chinese prefer Europeans to Americans, but feeling isn't mutual
Older Adults Rarely Suffer Sports-Related Cardiac Arrest
Secretary Blinken, Egyptian FM Meet for Press Availability
Gov Uses Data, AI to Track Down Fraudsters
Interior Dept. Drafts $500M Grants for Orphaned Oil/Gas Wells
Chesapeake Bay: Challenges to Improvement Unveiled
U-M Startup Joins White House to Remove Lead Pipes Across US
WHO Urges Action to End Poverty & Stigma from Tropical Diseases
Canada Ratifies ILO Convention on Workplace Violence/Harassment
Public place shooting at Penrith
Amcor Wins World Packaging Organisation Award for Innovation
Widowed Face Health Challenges of Career & Loss
New Platform Could Speed Up Vaccine Development, Delivery
A&S secures gifts, embarks on McGraw Hall renovation
DVLA Workers Strike on Feb 1st
$1M grant to U chemists could accelerate drug development
UNSC Extends Cyprus Peacekeeping Mission Mandate
'Oldest Marine Crocodile Discovered on Jurassic Coast'
Driver dies after single vehicle crash - Nepean PAC
Tweezers untangle chemotherapeutic's impact on DNA
Report: Diversity Trends in STEM Emerge from NSF Study
First Responders Submit Tech Wishes to NIST
NCSES Report: STEM Field Shows Diversity Gains
UCF Scientists Cut Precious Metals from Catalytic Converters
Apple Music Launches Rihanna's Road to Super Bowl LVII
Ministerial Progress Report: Canada-Wide Dental Care Program
Children have not recovered learning lost during Covid pandemic - study
Venezuela Reaches Point of No Return on NGO Law Closure
Infants' Screen Use Linked to Brain, Cognitive Outcomes
Link Between Autism and Cardiometabolic Diseases Found
Female Fruit Flies Get Jet Lag After Mating, Behavior Affected
Research Shows Graphene Can Switch Superconductivity On/Off
Mixed Species More Resilient to Climate Change
Pitt Study Reframes Understanding of Graft-Versus-Host Disease
EV Charging Stations Boost Home Values: Proximity Matters
U.S. Honey Bee Colony Loss Linked to Mites, Weather & Pesticides
Why arteriosclerosis looks like autoimmune disease