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Advisory for Nov. 1 Board of Trustees meeting
Terrorism conspiracy theories: belief among UK public
Low-income households more likely to have power disconnected after hot summers
Charing Cross Streetscape Upgrade aims to transform Waverley's oldest suburb
Background Press Call by Senior Administration Official Previewing Second International Counter Ransomware Initiative Summit
CASAA seeks volunteers for alcohol treatment study
Proximity to heavy traffic congestion linked to lower infant birthweight, OSU study finds
NZ police are responding to fatal crash - SH39, Ngāhinapōuri
Why Pregnant Women Shouldn't Wait to Get Flu Vaccinations and Covid Boosters
Minister of Transport to host Air Sector Recovery Summit on November 24
30% of voters fed up with major parties, looking to Greener future
Biden-Harris Administration Announces More Than $140 Million to Create Good-Paying Union Jobs
Afghanistan Inquiry Can Resume: ICC
Police are responding to fatal crash, Dalby
Readout of President Joe Biden's Call with President-Elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil
Australia and world experts join forces against animal diseases in Geelong
2 in 3 children in Latin America and Caribbean experience violence at home
Oxford Street to be pride of Sydney
Recognising signs of overdose earlier leads to better health and social outcomes: study
Ancient DNA reveals a hidden history of human adaptation
Different people interpret facial impressions very differently
Surfers share their waves with sharks, but fear not
How 1970s conservation laws turned this 'paradise on Earth' into a tinderbox
This Melbourne Cup, alcohol and sport collide
Natural nutrient enrichment caused today's largest ocean "dead zone" 8 million years ago
Researchers bring back Earth's memory with mountaintop ice
Looking for romance? That first impression matters
Optica Quantum Industry Summit at iXblue, Groupe Gorgé Company
CU Anschutz Hosts Rep. Crow for Talk on Health Impacts of Climate Change
Enforceable undertaking aims to improve site safety
Mapping path from smell to perception
Even fruit flies count
Research finds how ancient fish colonized deep sea
CSHL groundcherry research bears new fruits
Council President presents briefing to UN Security Council on forced landing of Ryanair Flight FR4978 by Belarus
NZ police seek witnesses to assault
Seven questions with writer Sonya Wilson
Use of DNA biomarkers for detecting early-stage HPV-positive oropharynx cancers has limitations
Stolen pup recovered in Portland
Teenage girl critically ill after falling from car
Socio-economic factors shown to drive mangrove losses and gains
Uncovering massive quantum mysteries of black holes
New Colgate research reveals Antarctic summer thaw starts earlier, ends later than previously believed
Musk's purchase of Twitter raises questions
UN experts condemn continuing lack of accountability for stark dehumanisation of African migrants
Thinking of renovating? Never take risk with asbestos
Police charge man after discovery of drugs in barber chairs
United Kingdom will continue to stand with Somalia