Governments of Canada and Newfoundland and Labrador investment boosts Greenspond tourism

From: Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

August 28, 2020 - Greenspond, NL - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency - ACOA

Strong communities are key pillars of a thriving Atlantic Canadian economy. This is why the federal government is working closely with its many community partners to help them attract investment, diversify their economies and create jobs. Through its Regional Development Agencies, such as ACOA, the Government of Canada is investing to strengthen communities and enable their residents to pursue meaningful careers and enjoy a high quality of life for generations to come.

Government helps strengthen Greenspond tourism through infrastructure upgrades

Churence Rogers, Member of Parliament for Bonavista-Burin-Trinity, on behalf of the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages and Minister responsible for ACOA, today announced a non-repayable contribution of $196,991 for the Town of Greenspond. The funding will enable the Town to renovate its former courthouse, which was built in 1899 and remains an integral part of the community's history and archictectural heritage.

The project will include exterior renovations as well as plumbing and electrical upgrades, which will enhance visitor experiences and help generate opportunities for more product offerings, new business and non-profit development.

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, through its Department of Industry, Energy and Technology, is also contributing $61,055 towards the project.

Atlantic Canada has been hard hit by COVID-19. Today's announcement is further proof of the Government of Canada's commitment to the region's communities and businesses, helping them to work through these tough economic times and thrive. Initiatives like this one will help the tourism sector come back strong, get Atlantic Canadians back to work and ensure that all communities can fully participate in Canada's economic recovery.


"A growing economy depends upon the strength and prosperity of communities like the town of Greenspond. As they recover from the impact of COVID-19, we're here to help them address challenges and seize opportunities. Our message is clear: we've been here for you with immediate measures, we're here for you now as our economy reopens and we'll get through this, together. We're working with you to support good, local jobs and help Atlantic Canada's economy come back strong."

- The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages and Minister responsible for ACOA

"Newfoundland and Labrador is made up of special rural communities, many with historical structures and long standing traditions - like Greenspond - where people are proud to live and work and welcome visitors with open arms. These are challenging times for our communities and that is why we are supporting important initiatives like this one with the Town of Greenspond. The courthouse restoration project will support tourism growth in the Greenspond area, protect a historical part of the town, foster community development opportunities and strengthen the local economy."

- Churence Rogers, Member of Parliament for Bonavista-Burin-Trinity

"Supporting economic development is a priority for our government. I'm pleased to be able to assist the Town of Greenspond with their vision of enhancing the former courthouse and to support adaptive re-use for business and economic development purposes. I've seen the building and I know first-hand how beautiful it is and such an important piece of the town's history and future."

- The Honourable Andrew Parsons, Minister of Minister of Industry, Energy and Technology

"The Town of Greenspond is pleased to receive government funding for the restoration of its historic courthouse. This building is one of the outstanding attractions that Greenspond has to offer visitors from near and far. The Town will be looking for interested parties to lease the courthouse upon project completion, which will help maintain this important building for many years to come and help support our economy."

- Clyde Bragg, Town Manager, Town of Greenspond

Quick facts

  • The federal funding is provided through ACOA's Innovative Communities Fund (ICF).

  • Working in partnership with Atlantic communities and stakeholders, ICF builds on the strengths of communities and provides the tools needed to identify opportunities available for their sustainable economic growth.

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