UK Gov
Ms Helen Winterton has been appointed His Majesty's Consul-General to Jerusalem.
Ms Helen Winterton has been appointed His Majesty's Consul-General to Jerusalem in succession to Ms Diane Corner OBE. Ms Winterton will take up her appointment during December 2024.
Curriculum vitae
Full name: Helen Winterton
2021 to 2024 | Tunis, His Majesty's Ambassador |
2020 to 2021 | Full-time Language Training (Arabic) |
2018 to 2020 | FCDO, Deputy Director, Arabian Peninsula, Middle East and North Africa Directorate |
2012 to 2014 | DFID, Deputy Director, Middle East and North Africa |
2009 to 2012 | Jerusalem, Head of DFID Office |
2007 to 2009 | DFID, Private Secretary to Secretary of State |
2006 to 2007 | DFID, Middle East & North Africa Department |
2005 | Baghdad, Deputy Head, DFID Iraq |
2004 | Addis Ababa, Deputy Programme Manager |
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