Manufacturing workers join campaign to Stop Bus

AMWU Victoria

Manufacturing workers join the campaign to Stop the Bus

Today the Victorian Branch of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) joined with the national electrical, maritime, public transport and construction unions' campaign to stop Scott Morrison's IR Omnibus Bill.

The Stop the Bus campaign will run for as long as is necessary and is asking the Senate crossbench to stand up for working Australians and vote down the proposed IR changes.

The AMWU has a proud history of campaigning against ideological attacks on workers' rights and encourages all Australian unions and their members to get onboard with the campaign.

The campaign includes broadcast advertising on TV and radio, social media and digital adverts alongside traditional grassroots organising.

AMWU Victorian Secretary Tony Mavromatis:

"Manufacturing workers know when Australians are offered a shonky deal. Morrison's IR Omnibus is a dud. It allows bosses to cut pay and conditions and leaves casual workers with less protections."

"Working Australians sacrificed themselves to keep us safe and keep the nation going throughout the Covid crisis. After the pandemic, the last thing workers need is a set of ideological IR laws which will leave them worse off."

"Our union and its members are ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with every Australian worker. We are calling on crossbench senators to protect the hard-won rights and conditions of Australian workers."

"Every Australian union member should refuse to get on board Morrison's dangerous IR omnibus - we need to stop the bus and stop the wage cuts."

The Stop the Bus campaign is a coordinated effort on behalf of some of Australia's oldest and largest unions. For more details visit

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