More plants and new venue for Council giveaway

Darwin City Council

City of Darwin has changed plans for tomorrow's native plant giveaway due to the overwhelming success of the previous event.

Lord Mayor Kon Vatskalis said the huge response to the last plant giveaway held in Leanyer had seen a change of venue and an increased number of plants for tomorrow's giveaway.

"Tomorrow's event will now take place at Old McMillans Park and not Tudawali Park, as originally scheduled," Mr Vatskalis said.

"Old McMillians Park offers more parking space, which means more Darwin residents will be able to access the giveaway.

"City of Darwin gave away 500 plants in about 15 minutes at the last giveaway. There will be 1500 plants at tomorrow's giveaway, which is a significant increase from the original plan."

The Old McMillan's Park plant giveaway will run from 10am-1pm and plants will be available for Darwin residents only.

Council has planted more than 15,000 trees since Cyclone Marcus in 2018.

"We will spend more than $3 million on tree planting and maintenance this year as we work to make a greener Darwin," Mr Vatskalis said.

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