1 min read

NASA Glenn employees donated 11 boxes of new, unwrapped gifts to the Toys for Tots program.
Credit: NASA/Sara Lowthian-Hanna
NASA's Glenn Research Center continued a decades-long tradition of participating in the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program during the 2024 holiday season. On Dec. 9, members of the Marine Corps Reserve (3rd Battalion, 25th Marines) picked up 11 boxes of toys donated by employees from NASA Glenn's facilities in Cleveland and Sandusky, Ohio.

Marine Corps representatives stand at far left and far right of NASA Glenn's Associate Director Larry Sivic, left, Center Director Dr. Jimmy Kenyon, center, and Acting Deputy Director Dr. Wanda Peters.
Credit: NASA/Sara Lowthian-Hanna
The Glenn Veterans Employee Resource Group led the donation drive. The Toys for Tots campaign collects and distributes new, unwrapped toys to less fortunate children in the area for Christmas.
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