Wentworth Shire
NBN Australia will be in Wentworth Shire Tuesday 5 & Wednesday 6 November 2024, offering dedicated Information Zones where community members can learn more about current upgrades and the improvements expected for broadband services in the area.

Tuesday 5 November: 9:00am - 12:00 midday
Ritchies IGA, Sandwych Street, Wentworth
Tuesday 5 November: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Midway Market Place IGA, Hendy Road, Buronga
Wednesday 6 November: 9:00am - 11:30am
NBN Satellite Information Zone at Port Pitstop, Tarcoola Street, Pooncarie
Please note; nbn representatives provide information only and do not sell services directly to the public. This is a chance to get updates on the nbn upgrades and how they will positively impact local broadband experiences.

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