Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill Shorten said the programs funded by these grants will help build the capacity of people with disability and better connect them with their communities.
"Empowering people with disability to participate in their communities is at the heart of the ILC program," Minister Shorten said.
"This new funding will deliver projects that break down barriers, equip people with disability with the skills and confidence to take part in community activities and improve access to the community supports and services they need.
"It is vital that communities also step up to the plate - other funded projects will support community services, organisations and activities to become more inclusive of people with disability and responsive to their needs."
The new grant opportunities include up to $90 million through the Individual Capacity Building (ICB) stream to support initiatives focused on building the knowledge, skills, capability and confidence of people with disability, as well as improving their access to community and mainstream services.
Funding will be available under the ICB grant opportunity for the delivery of one-off, time-limited activities for up to three years from July 2024 to June 2027. The minimum grant amount is $300,000 and the maximum grant amount is $3 million over three years. The ICB grant opportunity is scheduled to open from 7 September 2023 to 30 November 2023.
These projects will deliver nationwide access to peer support, mentoring, self-advocacy, and skill-building to support greater independence and participation of people with disability, their families and carers.
A further $50 million will be available through the Social and Community Participation (SCP) stream to fund projects focused on connecting individuals with activities, supports and opportunities in their local communities.
Funding is available under the SCP grant opportunity for the delivery of one-off, time-limited activities of two years duration from April 2024 to June 2026. The minimum grant amount is $200,000 and maximum grant amount is $2 million over two years. The SCP grant opportunity has opened and closes on 6 October 2023.
Minister for Social Services Amanda Rishworth said funding for the ILC program demonstrates the Government's commitment to advancing the key objectives under Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-2031.
"ILC-funded projects are instrumental in removing the barriers to participation for people with disability and ensuring they can access the supports they need to thrive, regardless of whether they are eligible for the NDIS," Minister Rishworth said.
"This is just one way in which we are working towards a more accessible, inclusive Australia, where people with disability can live full lives in their local communities," Minister Rishworth said.
You may wish to include a letter of support for your proposal from Federal or State/Territory Members of Parliament, or local councillors. Please note that while letters of support are welcomed, they are not required.
Interested organisations can find more information on the Grant Connect website at