Oz Lotto Jackpot Hits $70M As 7 Share Div 2 Prize

The Oz Lotto Draw No. 1556, held on Tuesday, 12 December 2023, featured an extraordinary Division One prize pool of $50 million. However, the jackpot was not won and has now rolled over to a whopping 70 million for the next draw.

Among big winners, seven winners took $92K from Division Two prize pool.

Here's a detailed overview of the draw results and the distribution of prizes across the other divisions:

Winning Numbers:

  • Drawn Order: 6, 44, 30, 42, 19, 39, 47
  • Supplementary Numbers: 8, 46, 33

Prize Distribution:

  • Division One: No winners, jackpot rolled over to Draw 1557.
  • Division Two: 7 winners, each receiving $91,891.95.
  • Division Three: 106 winners, each awarded $7,171.65.
  • Division Four: 1,342 winners, each securing $435.75.
  • Division Five: 7,548 winners, each with $62.00.
  • Division Six: 199,271 winners, each earning $29.05.
  • Division Seven: 524,728 winners, each getting $17.70.

The total prize pool for the draw was an impressive $67,543,007.13.

DivDivision PrizeDivision Prize PoolWinners

Jackpotted to draw 15570





