Police seek information on Aggravated assault in Alice Springs 26 May

Northern Territory Police are calling for public assistance to locate a 38-year-old man following the serious assault of a woman in Alice Springs overnight.

Police and emergency services responded to a report of a domestic violence incident in which the man is alleged to have unlawfully entered a residence in Larapinta and stabbed a woman multiple times before fleeing the scene.

No one else was physically injured in the incident.

The 41-year-old woman was transported to the Alice Springs Hospital with injuries to her upper body, which are not considered life threatening.

Detectives from the Southern Criminal Investigation Unit are conducting enquiries to locate the man. He is described as an Aboriginal man with a dark complexion, 170cm tall, medium build and dark collar-length curly hair. He was last seen wearing a green t-shirt, light blue baggy jeans and a black baseball cap.

The man is not considered a danger to the broader community, however should not be approached and anyone who knows of his whereabouts is urged to contact police on 131 444 immediately. Please quote reference 9694579.

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