Public invited to be part of Sunday's historic NSW Proclamation Ceremony

The Premier, Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, Minister for Transport

A special historic event will held tomorrow in Sydney to proclaim King Charles III to the people of NSW, following death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Members of the public are urged to attend or celebrate with friends and family, with public transport across the State to be free.

Public transport will be free on Sunday until midnight with people instructed not to tap on or off on metropolitan and regional public transport - buses, trains, ferries and light rail.

The event will held at the front of NSW Parliament House on Macquarie Street from 12.30pm and will include an Australian Defence Force Guard, the NSW Police Force band performing the Royal and Australian National anthems, a NSW Police Mounted Unit, and a 21-Gun Salute from Government House Sydney.

"While our State and Nation, and the Commonwealth of Nations, continue to mourn the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, it is fitting that we celebrate the accession of His Majesty King Charles the Third," Mr Perrottet said.

"The NSW Proclamation Ceremony is an opportunity for people to be part of a historic moment for our State."

Minister for Transport David Elliott said Sunday's significant ceremony commences at 12.30pm and members of the public will be able to travel for free until midnight Sunday on Sydney metropolitan and regional public transport - buses, trains, ferries and light rail.

"The unique way in which our Constitutional Monarchy enshrines the rights of the people means that it's only appropriate for everyone to be given the chance to attend the Proclamation," Mr Elliott said.

"There will be no need for passengers to tap on or off tomorrow. They can just walk right on. The Proclamation is an opportunity to show our respect to the new King of Australia."

Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway said no matter where you were travelling from across the state public transport will be free.

"State-wide travel on public transport into the city will be free because we want people from all over the state to take part in this special occasion," Mr Farraway said.

Preceding this ceremony, Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC, Governor of NSW, will preside at a meeting of the Executive Council where she will receive formal advice from the Premier and Ministers that King Charles III be proclaimed King of Australia.

As the State and Nation mourn the passing of Her Late Majesty, her image will continue to be displayed on the sails of the Sydney Opera House each night for the full national mourning period.

For information on the NSW proclamation ceremony, condolences and floral tributes visit

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