Safe Work Month has opened

WA Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

Safe Work Month is held in October each year and encourages employers and workers to promote positive work health and safety in the workplace. This year's theme is "Make a difference - speak up about health and safety".

While 2021 has involved many challenges, Safe Work Month aims to remind industry and the community that the health and safety of Western Australian workers remains a priority.

The event will feature on-demand videos that focus on health and safety for both mining and general workplaces, with a significant spotlight on the implementation of the Work Health and Safety Act 2020.

On-demand video topics include mental health in the workplace, manual task safety, reporting violence and aggression, exploration safety, health and hygiene management and setting the standard with underground mining ventilation.

Live webinars focusing on the WHS laws will allow viewers to direct questions to the WHS Legislation project team, WorkSafe and Mines and Petroleum inspectors.

Safety and health representatives, managers, supervisors, safety professionals and workers in all industry sectors are encouraged to register.

To register for Safe Work Month, go to

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