Sub-THz Channel Simulator Unveiled for 6th-Gen Mobile R&D

Kyoto University

A research group at Kyoto University's Graduate School of Informatics has developed a radio wave propagation simulator named Kyoto University Channel Generator (KUCG) for the sub-terahertz band, ranging from approximately 100 GHz to 300 GHz. This sub-THz band may solve future frequency band shortages by supplementing the sub-6 GHz and millimeter wave bands used in the 5th-generation (5G) mobile communication system.

The simulator can iteratively generate samples of radio propagation characteristics that are statistically consistent with the results of sub-THz band propagation measurement tests conducted by the research group. This allows anyone to evaluate the transmission characteristics of various sub-THz wireless systems using only a computer, without conducting actual field tests. This breakthrough is expected to accelerate the research and development of wireless transmission methods using sub-THz waves.

"The sub-THz band is highly attractive due to its wide bandwidth availability and minimal competition from other wireless systems," says corresponding author Yusuke Koda of KyotoU's Graduate School of Informatics.

The researchers developed KUCG by constructing statistical models of various parameters characterizing radio wave propagation obtained from sub-THz band propagation measurements and designing algorithms to repeatedly generate numerical samples of sub-THz wave propagation characteristics on a computer. The main research and development efforts included:

Developing a channel-sounding system for measuring propagation characteristics of wideband signals at 105 GHz -- a sub-THz band frequency -- and 60 GHz -- a millimeter wave band frequency -- in various indoor and outdoor environments
Constructing statistical models for three parameters characterizing the arrival characteristics of radio waves -- arrival time, angle of arrival, and power -- from these measurement tests
Designing algorithms to repeatedly generate numerical samples of sub-THz wave propagation characteristics on a computer based on the constructed statistical models
Developing an application to easily execute the designed generation algorithms with a single click

KUCG plays an important role as a foundational technology that facilitates the design of wireless transmission schemes in the yet-to-be-explored sub-THz band, thereby promoting the development of next-generation wireless communication technology.

5G is expected to further advance as an infrastructure supporting future industries and social life with high-speed, high-capacity, low-latency, and multi-connection communication. Enhanced utilization of the sub-6 GHz band and millimeter wave band, currently allocated for 5G, is initially required for this advancement.

The evaluation version of the simulator has been released on the KUCG website of the research group led by Professor Hiroshi Harada, Assistant Professor Yusuke Koda, and Researcher Norichika Ohmi.

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