Live Gut Microbiome updates

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Caltech Joins National Human Virome Program
Whole-Body Deodorants: Solving Imaginary Odors?
Unique Traits Found in Early Minority Colorectal Cancer
Research: Non-Industrial Diet Cuts Chronic Disease Risk
Twelve UAB Projects Win Knowledge Industry Awards
Lean Red Meat Boosts Gut, Heart Health, Study Finds
Camel Milk: Udderly Good Dairy Alternative
T Cells Mobilize Against Gut Infections
AI Leads Charge in Enzyme Discovery Race
Intestinal Protein Target May Cure Food Allergies
Research Unveils Location's Impact on Immune Response
Spanish Scientists Link Gut to Inflammatory Diseases
Early Pregnancy Stress Impacts Adult Offspring
New Roadmap Paves Way for Next-Gen Bioelectronics
Georgia Scientists Find Neurons Inducing Hibernation-Like State
Biotin Shields Brain From Manganese Damage: Study
Processed Red Meat Linked to Dementia Risk
Processed Red Meat Tied to Dementia and Heart Risks
Lake Victoria Offers Clues for Lake Erie's Future
Research Links Bacterium to Mental Health Concerns
Protein Maps Reveal Intestinal Health Insights
Protein Maps Reveal Insights Into Intestinal Health
Curb Antibacterials to Protect Our Microbiome
Fermenting Seaweed Could Boost Consumption
Inflammation Tied to Stomach Woes in Psoriasis Patients
Heat Exhaustion vs. Heat Stroke: Know Emergency
Exploring Known and Unknown Microbial Space
Rotavirus Protein NSP4 Alters Disease Severity
Bacteria in Polymers Form Cables, Create Living Gels
Bacteria in Polymers Form Cables, Grow Living Gels
Rotavirus Protein NSP4 Alters Gut Disease Severity
Gestresster Boden: Wie Dürre Grasland Verändert
New Mechanism for Regulating Sugar Cravings Found
South African Cave Australopithecines Skipped Meat
Immune System Eavesdrops: Controls Blood Sugar
Oral Cancer: Microbiome's Role in Tumor Growth Unveiled
Red Meat Linked to Higher Dementia, Cognitive Decline
Fatal Childhood Disease Also Impacts Bowel
Fearful Dogs Show Distinct Gut Microbiomes in Study
Microbiome Shifts Signal STD Risk
New Insights on Obesity-Cancer Risk Connection
Microbes Shield Coasts: Can They Handle Rising Seas?
Microbes Guard Beaches Amid Climate Shifts
Bile Acids Worsen Liver Cancer, Supplement May Help
Daily Milk May Cut Bowel Cancer Risk, Oncologist Says
Hemp Study Points to Greener Farming Methods
Protein That Revolutionized DNA Sequencing
Gut Bacteria Engage in Chemical Tug-of-War With Body