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NASA's Optical Comms Demo Sends Data 140 Million Miles
ASC Scientists Unveil Data for Better Grasp of Photosynthesis
UNESCO Report: Social Media Impacts Girls' Well-being
Burkina Faso Army Massacres 223 Villagers, Says HRW
Navigating Waterway Management in Shifting Globe
AFP Commissioner Kershaw Addresses National Press Club
94% of Psychologists Fear Climate Change's Mental Health Impact
Assessment Of Israeli Strike On Iran Near Esfahan
Musk Warns: Global Content Removal Orders Threaten Internet
Our Beautiful Water World
Against Clichés: Muslim Life in Germany
Imagining Self-Harm Escalates Urge and Risk, Study Finds
Anzac Day 2024: Gallipoli & France to Provide Broadcast, Stills Imagery 22 April
Expert Mapmakers at Ordnance Survey Reveal Unique Worldview
'Rabbit Holes' Exhibition In No Name Lane
Mum's Wisdom Shines in Lululemon Success
HKU Ecologists Pioneer Plant Diversity Mapping From Space
Canopy Increases In Burnside
Deep Learning Deploys to Image Earth's Boundary Layer
Water Touches Everything
Juno Provides NASA Aerial Glimpse of Io's Mountain, Lava Lake
NASA, Scientists and Smithsonian Launch Cosmic App
HKU Ecologists Use Space Tech for Innovative Ecosystem Monitoring
ACCC Sues GLAD Bags Over 50% Ocean Plastic Claims
Tech Today: Taking Earth's Pulse With NASA Satellites
Anzac Day 2024: Gallipoli & France to Provide Broadcast, Stills Imagery
ANZAC Day Projections At City Hall Next Week
Defence Investment Spurs 50 New Job Opportunities in South Australia
AIMS Reef Monitoring Technology Used In Vietnam
NASA PACE Data on Ocean, Atmosphere, Climate Released
Army's Junior Corps Celebrates 30th Anniversary
US Building Footprints May Reveal Neighborhood Traits
Mars Cave Finds May Reveal Alien Life Secrets: Durham Uni
IKEA Accused of Ravaging Europe's Last Ancient Forests
Adelaides 75K Annual Tree Loss Threatens Citys Livability
19th Century Sea Ice Expedition Sheds Light on Antarctica's Future
NASA's Fatoyinbo Wins Royal Geographical Society Prize
World's Salted Soils Mapped: Step Up in Land Degradation Fight
Over 250K Acres of Estuaries Transformed into Urban, Farm Areas in 35 Years
Deepfake Porn: Criminalize Creation, Not Just Sharing
Air Force Leadership Highlights ACE in Kadena AB Tour
VR Sessions Reduce Cancer Pain in Clinical Trial
Pioneering Heart Bypass Guidance Aces First Human Trial
Water Clarity Decline Threatens Common Loons
TechSolutions, Marines Modernize Decades-Old Process
Researchers Predict Changes to Atmospheric Water Cycle in Sci-fi Worlds
World Bank: Tbilisi Air Pollution Hits Poorest Homes Hardest
Gilmour Space Prepares Rocket for Bowen Spaceport Launch