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Anzac Day Commemorated In Philippines
Emotional Day Unites Personnel, Veterans, Families
Anzac Day Connects Past With Present
Undersea Robots Poised for Patrol and Protection Duties
Albanese Govt Boosts Jobs, Supports Naval Capability
First Ahmadi Muslim Awarded Victoria Cross, Supports Unity
Research Inspires Beer Based On Ancient Recipe
Gaza Heatwave Augments Rafah's Misery, Disease Risk
Friday 26 April 2024
NATO Bolsters Moldova's Military Medical Capability
UK Military Participates in London's ANZAC Day Events
UK Army's Deadliest Tank Conducts Live Fire Test
Anzac Charity Event Unites Queensland Police Footy Rivals
Gaza Urges Global Probe into Mass Graves, Victim IDs
Burkina Faso Army Massacres 223 Villagers, Says HRW
Lebanon Intensifies Repression of Syrians: HRW
$1.5 Million For Queensland ANZAC Infrastructure
Remembering Ngarrindjeri Anzacs
Defence Department Continues Proud Tradition of Wearing Emu Plumes
Defence Department Praises Cecil's Gold Standard Example
Stop, Pause And Honour This Anzac Day
Anzac Day 25 April
Paramedics Commemorate Anzac Day, Reflect on Defence Service
First Lady Jill Biden Delivers Remarks at Wounded Warrior Ride
MIT Experts Adjust Qubit Entanglement Structure
Super Grids Show Promise Amidst Hurricane-Induced Solar Eclipse
We Remember History-changing Heroines This Anzac Day
Israel's 200-Day Gaza Offensive: Intl. Response Fails, Death Toll Rises
Israeli Army Poised to Demolish Beit Lahia, Gaza
Anzac Deaths Transform Contemporary Mourning Practices
Sydney Team Aids in Rebuilding WW2 Spitfire Found in Norway
Gaza's Health, Environment Crisis Escalates Amid Israeli Genocide
Aquatic Centre Honoured with Silhouette Soldier Statue & Plaque
Moree Veterans Recognised For Their Service
Run Army Goes Global
Family Heroes Uncovered
WWI Soldiers' Identities Restored by Defence Department
Remember Women Veterans Too
$500M Defence Capability Investment Sparks Job Surge
Seven First World War Soldiers Identities Restored
UNRWA Pledges to Enact Independent Review Suggestions
Mapping Brain Pathways Of Visual Memorability
NATO Chief Welcomes UK, Polish Support for Ukraine
Salmonella Rates in Backyard vs Commercial Poultry: Study
Gallipoli Honours Family Legacy
Whale Watching and Classical Tunes at Australian Music Festival
Victoria Premier Unveils Plan to Curb Drug Harm, Save Lives
Forgotten Force: Australia's Maligned War Workers