Live Theoretical Physics updates

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Mechanisms Behind Extreme Cold Events Unveiled
Gas Adsorption Traced on Platinum-Gold Nanotunnels
Creating Common Language
U of T Researcher Advances Quantum Communication Tech
X-ray Reveals Affordable Fuel Cell Material Insights
First Non-Contact Respiratory Monitor for X-ray/CT
Black Researchers Making Difference At Waterloo
Prof. Lotte Geck: Dispelling Prejudices
Unruly Stars Skew Sight of Distant Planets
German Ambassador Visits Durham for Space, Quantum Talks
Giant Radio Jet Found in Early Universe by Researchers
Maxwell's Demon Needs No Quantum Exorcism
New Validation Technique Boosts Forecast Accuracy
Call to Brighten New Zealand's Dull Grey Prisons
Turmeric: New Ally in Superbug Defense
Green Computing: Breakthrough in Energy-Saving Memory
CubeSat Discovers New Radiation Belts Post Solar Storm
Engineers Broaden Design Horizons with Cellular Fluidics
Fast-track Program Boosts Energetic Materials Education
Federal Scholarship Boosts Future Canadian Meteorologists
Optical Control of Phase, Group Velocities in Liquids
"Smarter, Kinder Treatments Mean I'm Still Here"
Alien Ocean May Conceal Life Signs from Spacecraft
Quantum Leap: Distributed Algorithm Nears Supercomputers
Opto-Magnetic Tech Boosts Torque Efficiency 5-Fold
Breakthrough: Highly Conductive 2D Polymer Synthesized
Chaos Key in Climate vs. Weather Models
AI Boosts Physician Performance in Clinical Trial
Could Earth-like Alien Civilization Detect Us?
Butterfly Effect: Rethinking Common Misconception
Climate Change's Business Impact: Counting Cost
Asteroid Impact Simulation Reveals Climate, Plant Effects
New Tech to Detect Deepfakes, Safeguard Public
Quantum Algorithm First Distributed Across Processors
ORNL Technician Wins Prestigious ANS Achievement Award
Lightning Links Earth and Space Weather
Domingo Marimon Named IEEE Senior Member
Quantum Liquids: Quasi-1D Dynamics Revealed
Diamonds, Gold And New Alchemy Of Materials
Quantum Machine Reveals Cosmic Bubble Dance
Crossbench, Leaders Urge Parliament: Boost Income Support
Illuminating Beginnings Of Animal Development
Scientists Study Starquakes to Decipher Nuclear Matter
Light's Impact on Citrus Color and Ripening Timing
Scientist Honored for Nanoscale Magnetic Film Study
Life As Multiscale Cascade Of Machines Making Machines
AI Model Boosts Space Electric Propulsion Tech
25% Annual Risk of Rocket Junk in Busy Airspace