Three Lucky Share Division Two in Powerball

The Powerball lotto's grand prize went unclaimed in draw 1428 on Thursday, 28 September 2023.

The winning numbers for the evening were [3], [26], [15], [2], [28], [27], and [14], with the Powerball revealed as [19].

The grand prize will now be jackpotted to the subsequent draw to be held next Thursday October 5, with the jackpot amount inflating to a monumental $60 million, setting the stage for even higher anticipation and excitement.

Despite the absence of Division One winners, numerous lottery enthusiasts claimed substantial prizes in the lower divisions.

Three lucky individuals secured a significant $240,756.90 each in Division Two from the collective prize pool of $722,270.70 for this division.

Breaking down the other divisions, 77 winners in Division Three each took home $11,661.80, with 1,519 participants in Division Four each receiving $514.05. Divisions Five and Six saw winners of $179.20 and $78.65 respectively, while 62,658 players in Division Seven garnered $45.50 each. Division Eight, the largest in terms of winners, awarded $20.10 to each of its 301,277 ticket holders. And finally, Division Nine, boasting the highest number of winners at 883,616, allocated $11.80 per winner.

The total prize pool, spanning Divisions 2 to 9, amounted to a substantial $65,962,703.93. With the jackpot rolling over to the upcoming draw, lottery aficionados will be securing their tickets in hopes of nabbing the intensified $60 million jackpot.

DivDivision PrizeDivision Prize PoolWinners

Jackpotted to draw 14290







