Voucher program to grow food and beverage business expertise

  • McGowan Government program supporting agrifood and beverage business skills and jobs
  • Vouchers of up to $10,000 available to help businesses gain expert advice
  • Local businesses can now apply for vouchers for professional business support services under the McGowan Government's WA Agrifood and Beverage Voucher Program.

    The McGowan Government is investing $630,000 in the program to support Western Australian agrifood and beverage business growth and development across the State.

    Vouchers of up to $10,000 are available on a dollar for dollar co-contribution basis to help eligible agrifood and beverage businesses gain expert advice across business planning, quality assurance, market positioning, technology, export capability development and other technical services.

    Travel assistance vouchers of up to $2,000 for regional agrifood and beverage businesses are also available to businesses investigating ag-tech or food-tech manufacturing technologies that improve productivity and profitability.

    More information is available at https://www.agric.wa.gov.au/AFBvoucherprogram

    As stated by Agriculture and Food Minister Alannah MacTiernan:

    "These vouchers provide incentive for competitive WA food and beverage businesses to grow, capitalise on market opportunities and create new local jobs.

    "The McGowan Government's WA Agrifood and Beverage Voucher Program follows the successful 'Expert for a Day' pilot, which supported premium food and beverage business development.

    "This program has been expanded to allow individual businesses to develop business plans or target an opportunity or challenge already identified in their existing plan - from market positioning, to digital solutions, becoming export ready or investigating new technologies.

    "Our Government is providing an environment for our food and beverage businesses to innovate, capture market opportunities and be more internationally competitive, helping to create jobs right across the State."

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