Who should be Maitland's Citizen and Young Citizen of Year?

Maitland City Council

Maitland Citizen and Young Citizen of the Year Award nominations are now open to anyone who has contributed to the advancement or wellbeing of Maitland.

Maitland Citizen and Young Citizen of the Year Award nominations are now open to anyone who has contributed to the advancement or wellbeing of Maitland.

Mayor of Maitland Cr Loretta Baker says 'If you know of someone who should be acknowledged for their contribution to the advancement or wellbeing of the Maitland community this year or in previous years, nominate them now.

'We know that this year especially, so many amazing people have stepped up in the community to help, whether they be from a local business, volunteer organisation, health, sporting club or environmental'.

Some of the inspiring locals who have been awarded Citizen or Young Citizen of the Year include Dr Helen Tolhurst, Ally Meyn, Wilma Lilley, Hayley Johns, Belinda-Jane Davis, Kelci Brain, Amorelle Dempster and Christopher Teasdale.

The most important criteria the judging panel considers are results, good citizenship, determination, creativity, enthusiasm, commitment and a demonstrated search for excellence.

The Young Citizen of the Year Award is open to anyone who has contributed to Maitland and is under 25 on 26 January 2022.

Nominees must reside in the Maitland Local Government Area, be an Australian Citizen, cannot be a previous recipient or nominate themselves for the Award.

Award recipients will be announced at a ceremony on Australia Day, 26 January 2022.

Nominations close 7.00pm Wednesday 10 November.

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