The Albanese Government has slashed the time taken to accredit residential builders, to speed up the new homes Australians want and need.
Under our Government, the accreditation process for builders to undertake projects funded by Housing Australia now takes just one third of the time it used to, following investment in last year's Budget.
Accreditation under the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Accreditation Scheme has been a requirement for head contractors undertaking Australian Government funded building since 2006.
Accredited companies overall have better safety outcomes than the rest of the industry, with many builders crediting the Scheme with improving safety outcomes.
As more workers are skilled up, the Albanese Government has made it simpler and quicker for builders to get on with the job. The application process has been streamlined to prioritise builders aiming to work on Housing Australia projects, with greater support and guidance from expert WHS auditors.
Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations Murray Watt said critical funding allocated by the Government during last year's Federal Budget has led to more builders coming on board faster, to help propel Australia's housing construction sector.
"The changes we made after last year's Budget have resulted in newly accredited residential builders gaining accreditation in an average of four months, compared to the previous average application period of 12 months," Minister Watt said.
"Safety on worksites is absolutely critical - we want to ensure that the people who are building the homes Australians need are getting home to their families in one piece at the end of the day."
Minister for Housing, Clare O'Neil said the measure meant more builders are now safely participating in building homes funded through the Government's Housing Australia Future Fund Facility and National Housing Accord Facility.
"It's great to see the changes we've made making a real impact, and delivering more builders on sites across Australia," Minister O'Neil said.
"We have a housing shortage in our country, and that's why many Australians are under real housing pressure. The Albanese Government is taking on the housing crisis. Funding more housing, supporting more tradies to get on the tools, and pushing states to reduce red tape."
Australian builders are encouraged to find out more about becoming accredited for federal projects, with information and support available now.