CA Gov Aids Families Impacted by Haiti Crisis

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

Ottawa-As the security situation in Haiti remains volatile, the Government of Canada continues to take action to help people who have been impacted by the violence and deteriorating security conditions.

Today, the Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced temporary measures to support family members of Canadian citizens or permanent residents who have left Haiti, as well as Haitian nationals already in Canada who are currently unable to return home.

Starting May 23, 2024, Haitians with valid temporary resident status in Canada can apply for a study permit, open work permit, or status extension at no cost. This includes foreign national family members, regardless of nationality, who arrived as temporary residents through assisted departures out of Haiti. In addition, three months of Interim Federal Health Program coverage will be available to those who are eligible.

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