Early Consultation Begins for Cobram Punt Road Masterplan


The Moira Shire Community are invited to share their ideas in shaping the future of the Cobram Punt Road Precinct.

Encompassing the former Cobram Apex Caravan Park, the outdoor swimming pool and the Civic Centre this precinct is in the heart of Cobram. A masterplan will aim to define the optimal usage of this significant area, particularly the future uses of the former Apex Caravan Park land for community purposes.

With a commitment from Council to retain the former Apex Caravan Park land for public use, the masterplan process seeks to integrate community perspective and ideas into the vision for the precinct's future.

Moira Shire Council, Chief Executive Officer Matthew Morgan said Council emphasises the importance of community engagement in determining suitable uses for the site and the broader Punt Road Precinct.

"Residents are encouraged to share their thoughts through the Moira Matters online engagement site. This is the first stage of community engagement to see what the community may deem as a suitable and possible use for this space. Council is committed to fostering an inclusive and collaborative process to ensure the Cobram Punt Road Precinct serves the community's needs effectively" Mr Morgan said.

"We do not have any funds committed to the site at this stage and future allocations would need to be considered after careful planning, however we really wanted to tease out feedback from the community to help inform what the future holds for this space," added Mr Morgan.

"It will be very interesting to see the perspectives come in on the future of the site, and we will be working closely with Apex, Rotary and Cobram Community Enterprises as we start to work through the detail of the masterplan process in coming months."

Chair Administrator for Moira Shire Council, John Tanner AM said the space could be used for the diverse needs of the community rather than remain vacant.

"The Punt Road Precinct is located in a prime position, creating connections between the centre of town, as well as with nearby residential areas, making it essential for fostering a sense of community and enhancing the overall liveability of our town," Mr Tanner said.

Leon West, life member of Apex, who has been working with Rotary and Cobram Community Enterprises in recent years to see the future of the land secured for community use said, he was pleased to see Council committed to retaining the land for community purposes.

"While we know that any future development of the land may be some time off, we are hopeful that we can open the reserve up for use by the community in the near term," Mr West said.

"Our service clubs have a long history of working to secure land for community use within the Cobram township, and we are happy to work alongside Council in relation to the Punt Road Precinct, particularly the former Apex Caravan Park site.'


Members of the community can add to the Cobram Punt Road Precinct vision board on www.moiramatters.com.au/cobram-punt-road-precinct-future-use submissions close on Friday 31 May.

The current masterplan aims to determine suitable future uses for the site and its connection to the broader Punt Road Precinct, however no budget has been allocation in the Long-Term Financial Plan for any improvements on the land at this time.

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