East Victoria Park Burglary Arrest

Cannington Detectives have charged a man as part of an ongoing investigation into a burglary at a residence in East Victoria Park yesterday, Saturday 25 May 2024.
About 3:40am, a number of offenders gained access to a residence on Whittlesford Street, East Victoria Park. It will be alleged a VW Golf hatchback was stolen from the residence.
About 9:40am, detectives from Cannington Detectives sighted the stolen vehicle being driven on Palmerston Street, Perth. They activated their emergency lights and sirens in attempt to stop the vehicle, however it will be alleged the driver failed to stop and accelerated away.
It will be alleged the driver drove the stolen vehicle in a reckless manner through several streets, making his way to the Kwinana Freeway, where the vehicle continued to head south, before exiting the freeway and driving through Brentwood and Mount Pleasant.
The stolen vehicle struck a pedestrian holding rail on Reynolds Road, Mount Pleasant, causing extensive front-end and tyre damage to the vehicle. The driver continued, before crashing the vehicle at the intersection of Reynolds Road and Queens Road, Mount Pleasant.
The driver and passenger exited the vehicle. The driver was arrested a short time later in the rear yard of a residence on The Promenade, Mount Pleasant. Inquiries are continuing in relation to the identity of the passenger.
A 23-year-old man from Beaconsfield has been charged with:
- Aggravated home burglary and commit
- Stealing
- Steal Motor Vehicle
- Fail to Stop
- Reckless Driving (to evade police)
- No Authority to Drive
- Driver fail to stop - property damage
He was refused bail and is due to appear in Perth Magistrates Court today, Sunday 26 May 2024.
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