King's College, ETERON Unveil New Research Alliance

King’s College London

The new partnership will focus on in-depth studies of Greek voting behaviour and decision-making processes


The Policy Institute at King's College London and Greek think tank ETERON - Institute for Research and Social Change are delighted to announce a new partnership, focusing on in-depth studies of Greek voting behaviour and decision-making processes.

The partnership aspires to cultivate stronger ties between the British and Greek academic communities, laying the groundwork for future collaborations across different research areas.

Dr Georgios Samaras, Assistant Professor of Public Policy at the International School for Government - which his based within the Policy Institute - and lead researcher on this initiative, said:

"This collaboration comes at a pivotal political moment in Greece, as Western nations face increasing far-right radicalisation, amplified by online platforms. By examining the impact of these political attitudes in Greece, King's can gain a deeper understanding of the local circumstances and how younger generations perceive societal progress."

Christos Papagiannis, Director of ETERON, said:

"Beyond the endorsement of a prestigious educational institution, the collaboration fosters a culture of outward-facing engagement, facilitating the exchange of ideas, methodologies, and research findings."

Looking ahead, the forthcoming research endeavours will also incorporate the expertise of the ENA - Institute for Alternative Policies. Dr Nikos Erinakis from the University of Crete will assume an advisory role, working closely with both institutions to unravel the complexities of voting behaviour in Greece.

In this story

Georgios Samaras

Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Public Policy

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