This year, the British Embassy in Montevideo once again celebrated International Women's Day with an activity that brings together and connects leaders of Uruguayan society with young women.
On Thursday 7 March, the launch of 'Leader for a Day' took place at the British Residence. The occasion gave the 18 young winners the opportunity to get to know each other and the leaders with whom they then shared a day. Some did so that day, others on March 8 or they will share one during the month of March.

Vicepresident of Uruguay Beatriz Argimón, who is one of the leaders participating in this initiative, pointed out that this represents a valuable experience for both the young women and the leaders, since the former can learn about different role models, and the latter are nourished by the visions of those accompanying them.
Participants from previous editions attended the event and shared their experiences. Florencia González, the young woman who accompanied Carolina Cosse in 2023, shared words of encouragement for this year's winners and advised them to enjoy the experience, which is unique, and to be themselves.
Ambassador Faye O'Connor highlighted the importance of Leader for a Day to promote greater participation of women in leadership positions. She noted that this initiative also seeks to build a network of contacts that includes both leaders and young women, so that they continue to have the support they need to grow.
Ambassador Faye O'Connor and her mentee, Mauren Zamora, shared their day in the border town of Rivera with Lucila Pizzarulli, Head of Office of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Uruguay. During the day, they were able to learn about the work that IOM carries out with migrant women and families entering the country through Rivera. The agenda included the following activities:
- Meeting with the Mayor of Rivera - Cr. Richard Sander.
- Meeting with the Binational Commission on Gender-Based Violence: integrated by the Commission for a life free of GBV (INMUJERES, MIDES Uruguay) and the Women's Reference Centre Livramento, Brazil.
- Visit to Casa Trampolín, a centre that offers care and lodging to migrant families with minors in their care.
- Visit and tour of Parque Gran Bretaña: presentation on Ceibal software.
- Visit to the Integration Laboratory Space of CASA MIDES and closing of the agenda with an intercultural snack with migrant women, where they all shared typical dishes from their countries.

These were the selected young women who accompanied this year's 18 leaders:
Paula Nalerio - Beatriz Argimón, Vice President of Uruguay.
Lucía Álvarez - Francisco Benavides, UNICEF Representative in Uruguay.
Mariana Díaz - Mariana Chilibroste, Co-Founder of Sellin.
Sofía Benítez - Carolina Cosse, Mayor of Montevideo.
Carolina Abreu - Adriana Cuñetti, Regulatory and Quality Manager at AstraZeneca Hub Uruguay.
Magalí García - Silvia Emaldi, President of UTE.
Camila Villagrán - Maria Eugenia Etcheverry, Aide-de-camp of the Uruguayan Air Force for the President of Uruguay.
Agustina Guarisco - Heide Fulton, U.S.A. Ambassador to Uruguay.
Jazmín Méndez - Magdalena Furtado, Program Director of UN Women in Uruguay.
Sofía Brum - Pablo Mieres, Minister of Labour and Social Security.
Eliana Ruiz - Pilar Moreno, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Science (UDELAR) and researcher at the Pasteur Institute in Montevideo.
Mauren Zamora - Faye O'Connor, British Ambassador to Uruguay.
Florencia Ramírez - Lucila Pizzarulli, Head of IOM Office in Uruguay.
Luana Amorín - Blanca Rodríguez, Journalist at Subrayado (Channel 10) and El Espectador.
Fabiana Ramírez - Pablo Ruiz Hiebra, UN Coordinator in Uruguay.
Camila Bone - Diego Sayanes, CEO and founder of Grupo RUA.
Valentina Perchman - Carmen Sorger, Canadian Ambassador to Uruguay.
Yamila Melgar - Alejo Umpiérrez, Mayor of Rocha.