Minister's mission to Europe to focus on renewable hydrogen

  • Hydrogen Industry Minister Alannah MacTiernan participates in World Hydrogen Summit in Rotterdam
  • European mission to connect leading technology players and project developers
  • Minister presenting Renewable Hydrogen prospectus to European leaders as part of the European mission 
  • Western Australia's renewable hydrogen industry and rapidly growing global demand for clean energy is the focus of a WA Government mission to Germany and the Netherlands.

    Hydrogen Industry Minister Alannah MacTiernan is in Europe to promote WA's renewable hydrogen potential and identify opportunities related to the Joint Declaration of Intent that was signed between the Australian and German Governments in 2020.

    The WA Government's comprehensive Renewable Hydrogen Strategy, combined with the Joint Declaration of Intent, means WA is well placed to benefit from Germany's escalating demand for green hydrogen.

    As part of the mission, the Minister will participate in the World Hydrogen Summit 2022 in the Netherlands, focused on global hydrogen supply chains, and use the opportunity to present the WA Government's Renewable Hydrogen Industry Prospectus.

    The mission will also serve as the WA Government's first face-to-face meetings with the Port of Rotterdam since a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between WA and Europe's largest sea port.

    Strengthening relationships with international renewable hydrogen importers has been a major focus for the WA Government and is developing a detailed supply chain model to review potential bottlenecks and factors affecting the export industry.

    Current global demand for hydrogen is estimated at more than 70 million tonnes a year and the value of Australia's low-emissions hydrogen exports could reach $2.2 billion by 2030 and $5.7 billion by 2040.

    For information about the Western Australian Renewable Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap, visit

    As stated by Hydrogen Industry Minister Alannah MacTiernan:

    "Western Australia has an extraordinary opportunity to become a global renewable hydrogen industry leader and help our international partners meet their future energy and emissions reduction goals.

    "International collaboration is a key component in the transition to a clean energy future and the WA Government's participation at the World Hydrogen Summit 2022 aims to accelerate the State's position in the renewable hydrogen supply chain.

    "European markets represent a significant opportunity for attracting renewable hydrogen investments and technology into Western Australia, and this international mission aims to accelerate those opportunities."

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