More Flexible Rights For Community Service Workers

NT Government

The Lawler Labor Government is backing better workers' rights for Territory frontline community service workers.

Today, the Portable Long Service Bill 2024 passed in the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly.

The Bill will see Territorians who work in community services sector have access to a portable long service leave scheme, which will recognise continuity of service for employees who move between employers in the sector.

There is an increasing demand for community services in the Territory, and the Lawler Labor Government is making sure the Territory is a competitive place to live and work.

The Territory is not the first State or Territory to introduce portability of long service leave in the community services sector, as Queensland, Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory have already introduced this, with South Australia and New South Wales closely following behind.

Frontline workers in childcare services, crisis assistance and accommodation services, disability services, health and wellbeing services, residential and community aged care, community legal services, and other community, social and welfare work will be eligible to benefit from the new scheme.

The Northern Territory community service workforce makes up more than 10,000 Territorians who provide community, social and welfare support to Territorians.

This scheme will boost working rights for people who help provide community services for Territorians, such as frontline employees, support employees and counsellors.

Engagement and consultation will continue in the coming 18 to 24 months for the drafting of regulations and other details.

Attributable to Minister for Public Employment Selena Uibo:

"The Lawler Labor Government will always back the rights of frontline and support workers who help Territorians.

"We are proud to deliver to more rights to hardworking Territorians who care for our children, people with disability and provide community care.

"Our Lawler Labor Government is ensuring the community services sector in the Territory will thrive, so Territorians can take their leave entitlements with them when they move across the sector."

Northern Territory Government

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