NeurotechEU Collaboration Grant 2024

To foster fresh collaborations and interactions across the NeurotechEU network, the KI NeurotechEU group is introducing funding opportunities for short-term visits by KI faculty and researchers.

These visits aim to facilitate the planning or execution of collaborative endeavors with NeurotechEU partners. The grant can be used to cover costs for transportation and accommodation at the host site for the proposed period (minimum 3 days) with a maximum amount of 25 000 SEK.

A requirement to qualify for the KI NeurotechEU collaboration grant is to collaborate with one or more partners within the NeurotechEU consortium. These partners include: Radboud University (The Netherlands), Universidad Miguel Hernández (Spain), Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (Germany), Boğaziçi Üniversitesi (Turkey), Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie din Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Université de Lille (France) and Háskólinn í Reykjavík (Iceland).

Assessment of applications

All applications are assessed based on the following criteria :

  • Scientific quality and potential of the proposed project.
  • Potential to establish or consolidate collaborations in education, research, and innovation.
  • Endorsement letter by the proposed host

Application process

This is an ongoing funding initiative with researchers able to apply at any time. The KI NeurotechEU group aims to award up to 10 NeurotechEU collaboration grants annually.

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