- Probiotic ice now available across FairPrice Finest outlets
Uni-Tat Ice & Marketing Pte Ltd ("Iceman") and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore ("NTU Singapore") have launched a new ice product with added benefit for gut health.
The probiotic ice cubes developed by Iceman and NTU Singapore allow everyday consumers the flexibility of adapting and incorporating probiotics into food and drinks, without the need to make changes to their consumption patterns.
Probiotics is among several key market trends identified under the NTU Food Science and Technology programme, which aims to build a resilient and efficient food circular economy through innovation.
The new product aims to complement current probiotic beverages and supplements in the market, enabling another option for consumers who are aware of the importance of probiotics for overall health.
Mr. Andy Goh, General Manager, Iceman, said: "Ice is an everyday essential and is ubiquity to all of us. By collaborating with NTU, we can create exciting possibilities to take food science innovation directly to everyday individuals that is accessible and familiar. With Probiotic Ice, one can incorporate it into their everyday beverages. This is particularly helpful for health-conscious individuals who are mindful and particular of the existing probiotic beverage and supplement options."
Partnering to chart new avenues of value
As Singapore seeks to build a new economy in the post-pandemic world, the collaboration between Iceman and NTU is a testament to Small-and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) seeking to innovate through science. The new probiotic ice cube is an example of a value-added product that can be commercially viable in Singapore and beyond.
Professor William Chen, Director, NTU Food Science and Technology Programme and the lead scientist behind the innovation said: "The collaboration between Iceman and NTU has enabled us to take ideas from the lab to the market. In the broader scheme of things, this also shows how research and commerce can find common ground to develop a product to benefit consumers. With the successful launch of the probiotic ice, we are exploring other options that may lead to the development of more innovative products."
Launched under the Iceman brand, the probiotic ice cube is now on sale at selected FairPrice Finest outlets at S$2.40 per pack of 12 cubes. Please see appendix for outlet details.
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