The Digital Futures Institute's new series launches 12 September and features leaders from all sectors, to work collectively on creating a better digital future.

The Living Well With Technology series is an events programme and associated publication series from King's Digital Futures Institute convening thought leaders from across the tech, health, policy, business, education and creative sectors to figure out how we can forge a more just, equitable and sustainable technological future.
AI: the Means to an End or a Means to the End? is the inaugural lecture in the series delivered by Stephen Fry. It will be followed by a conversation between Stephen Fry and Marcus Weldon, the 13th President of Bell Labs, and is hosted by Digital Futures Institute Chair-Director, Professor Marion Thain.
AI is already both thrilling and chilling. Where will it lead, and who will lead it? Tech titans? Elected politicians? Dictators? Philosophers? A cat seems to be out of the bag, a cat that can outrun anyone.
Stephen Fry
I'm delighted to launch our new Living Well With Technology series, bringing together thought leaders to interrogate our individual and societal relationship with developing technologies. Having Stephen Fry and Marcus Weldon as our inaugural guests is testament to the approach and ambition of the series.
Professor Marion Thain, Chair-Director of the Digital Futures Institute
The Digital Futures Institute brings together expertise from across all disciplines and sectors to forge a better relationship between the individual and technology. The Institute recasts what have typically been considered technical challenges - to be solved through technical fixes - as human and social challenges requiring innovative ways of knowing, responding, and making. This includes finding new approaches to the rapid development and deployment of artificial intelligence.
Places are limited at the event and so cannot be guaranteed - so book your place early here.
To find out more about the Digital Futures Institute visit the Institute website.