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Large Language Models Feel Direction Of Time
Council Pushes for Permanent Tree Controls
Researchers Discover New Blood Group System - MAL
Chaplain Spreads Safety Message with Faith
White Patches on Whale Sharks: Cause for Alarm?
NZ Reserve Bank: Market Reaction to Rate Surprises
Stiglitz Critiques Right's Misguided Freedom, Offers Alternatives
Early Autonomy Over AI Boosts Employee Motivation
Immunotherapy Boosts Long-Term Survival in Metastatic Melanoma
Immunotherapy Boosts Long-Term Metastatic Melanoma Survival
Accent Bias May Affect Job Prospects
Post-Treatment Lifestyle Shapes Breast Cancer Outcomes
Post-Treatment Lifestyle Affects Breast Cancer Outcomes
Dina Rovner On L'Chaim: "UNRWA Is Rotten To Core"
Slippery Slope: Long-Term Risks of Designer Babies
Triple Antibody Therapy May Offer Long-Term HIV Control
Advanced Photon Source Extends Battery Lifespan
Urban Heating, Cooling Key to Future Energy Demand
IAEA Chief's Update on Ukraine Situation 14 September
Severn Trent Fined £327K, Funds Wildlife Trust
Ministers Urged to Launch School Teeth Brushing Program
Neoself-Antigens Trigger Lupus Autoimmunity
New Therapy Targets Tau Tangles, Promising Alzheimer's Cure
New Photocatalyst Excels in Oxidative Methane Coupling
Antibody-Drug Conjugate Effective for HER2+ Brain Mets
ADC Effective for Brain Metastases in HER2+ Breast Cancer
Gravitational Wave Detectors to Solve Physics Mystery
Rietjens Receives Prestigious Toxicology Merit Award
Compact, Portable Nuclear Clocks Nearing Reality
FAO: Open Trade Key to Global Food Security
Court Shuts Down Firms Over £1M Fraudulent Covid Loans
Govt Home Care Changes Impact Ageing Aussies
IMF Concludes 2024 Consultation With Denmark
New Suicide Prevention Plan Aims to Save Lives
SA's Political Ad Truth Clashes With Concerns: Report
2024 Balance Of Payments, National Accounts Data Methods
Remote Communities Get 20% Freight Discount Boost
Newcastle Eases Street Party Regulations
Why Many Athletes Struggle with Retirement
31 Organisations Call On All UN Member States To Take Urgent Steps To Protect People Deprived Of Their Liberty Across Occupied Palestinian...
Shelter From Storm
Need And Value At Forefront Of Public Service Delivery
TV Interview - ABC Afternoon Briefing
Hair-thin Wire To Help Simulate Cosmic Conditions
New AI Tool Predicts Adolescent Mental Health Symptoms
$84bn Housing Tax Loss Could Alleviate Housing Crisis
AI to Combat Conspiracy Theory Rabbit Holes
3 Questions: Sustainability Science's Past, Present, Future