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How War Worsened Opioid Crisis In Ukraine
UK Gov Invokes OSCE Moscow Mechanism for Civilian Detainees
EU Commission Speedily Amends 2024 Budget to Uphold Priorities
NASA, Nikon Ink Deal for Lunar Artemis Camera Development
UNWTO World Congress to Spotlight New Snow and Mountain Tourists
New EU Recommendations Battle Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Urgent Call for Child Sex Abuse Care Guidelines
Full Text of Putin Speech: They Understand Nuclear War?
AI Funding Boosts Battle Against Antimicrobial Resistance
NATO, Partners Discuss Strategy Dynamics, Partnership Implementation
EU Fund Grants €1.9M to Aid 390 Laid-Off Danish Workers
EU Grants €3M to Aid 835 Laid-Off German Steel Workers
Advanced Neutron Mirrors Unveil Matter's Hidden Secrets
New Link Between Water and Planet Formation Discovered by Astronomers
Call for Papers: IAEA's IPET2024 Hybrid Imaging Conference
Many Cancer Drugs Fail to Prove Additional Benefit
EU Funds Bolster Afghan Food Security, Aids 300K+
NZ Labels Hamas as Full-Scale Terrorist Entity
EU Approves Many Oncology Drugs Without Proof of Benefit
Many Cancer Drugs Lack Evidence of Improved Benefits
Optimizing Measures to Prevent Surgical Infections: Review
Personalised Flu Care Guides Work, School Return Times
COVID-19 Linked to Significant Drop in IQ Scores: Studies
OU Researchers Receive Newcomb Cleveland Prize
Pope Gregory XIII's Legacy: More Than Leap Year Origin
NASA's SpaceX Crew-7 Concludes Space Station Science Mission
EU Nations Decade Closer to 2030 Sustainable Energy Aim
MHRA Issues New Guidelines to Expedite Established Medicine Reviews
Cosmic Lighthouses Clearing Primordial Fog Identified by JWST
Riahi Reappointed to UN Secretary General's Top Ten Group
Ape Ancestors' Lost Tails Gave Evolutionary Edge, Price Persists
NATO Military Committee Chair Visits Ireland
Sec Gen Meets Yulia Navalnaya at Council of Europe
Slushies Pose Health Risks for Young Children
US and Swedish Air Forces Conduct Joint Bomber Training
Commissioner Kyriakides Calls for Unity on World Rare Disease Day
ABB, CERN Spot 17.4% Energy-Saving Potential in Lab Motors
Stone Age Tactics to Dodge Inbreeding Unearthed
UN Envoy Releases Paper on State Crackdown of Eco Protests
Redefining Cockney: Warwick University Challenges Stereotypes
Explained: Carbon Credits
North Atlantic Meltwater Linked to European Heatwaves: Study
South Australia Promotes Its Hydrogen Potential
Unspoken Link: Climate Change's Impact on Health
Ukraine War Impacts Global Wellbeing, Personality Affects Recovery Speed
AI Promises Major Leap in Infection Control, Given Safeguards
AI Enhances Speed, Accuracy in Preventing Disease Outbreaks
EU Commission Applauds Modernized Ship Inspection Deal