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HKUST Sets New Records at 49th International Inventions Exhibition
Genomic Changes Linked to Monkeypox Virus Transmissibility Identified
Living Cells Illuminate in Light Show
Longest Chronic Covid Case Spurs Fear of New Immune-Evasive Variants
Pathology AI Bias Minimized Using Foundation Models: Researchers
Unique Genetic Change in Siblings Advances Type 1 Diabetes Drug Search
Unique Genetic Mutation in Siblings Advances Type 1 Diabetes Drug Hunt
Efficient Iron Scavengers
Two Species Interbreed, Create New Butterfly Species 200k Years Ago
95 Genome Regions Linked to PTSD, Scientists Reveal
Brazilian-Led Consortium Sequences Arabica Coffee Genome
Field Honey Bees Face Multiple Health Stressors
Scientists Discover First Nitrogen-Fixing Organelle
Soil Bacteria Reveals New Antimicrobial Class
Two Species Interbreeding Spawned New Butterfly 200K Years Ago
Research Unveils Why Mountain Chickadees Exhibit Remarkable Memory
Crop Coloration Simplifies Weeding Process
Amazon Butterflies Evolve New Species Through Hybridization
Plasma Biomarker May Predict Heart Attack Risk
E-Health Records Reveal Genetics Behind Tobacco Addiction
Nobel Laureate Urges Equal Access to CRISPR Treatment
Researching Life-Detection on Saturn's Ocean Moon Enceladus
How Soil Microbes Survive In Harsh Desert Environments
Desert Soil Microbes' Survival Secrets Unveiled
Bacteria Behind Meningitis In Babies Explained
Nanoparticle FZD4 Delivery Halts Lung Cancer Progression
Urine Test to Detect Head, Neck Cancer Uncovered
Exploring Bacteria's Role in Infant Meningitis
Cryptic Gut Genetic Element Transforms Into Sensitive Biomarker
Share Input on St Luke's Campus Long-Term Redevelopment Plan
MD Anderson, CureVac Team Up to Create New Cancer Vaccines
Research Probes Placenta for Gestational Diabetes Clues
Twisted Pollen Tubes Induce Infertility
Unlocking Xinxuan-4 Pecan Pollination Boosts Cultivar Efficiency
Decoding Longan Embryogenesis and Heat Tolerance: Multi-omics Study
Vaccine Breakthrough Ends Pursuit of Virus Strains
Millions Of Gamers Advance Biomedical Research
Copy Paste Errors Shape Animal Kingdom, Study Finds
Coffee's Prehistoric Roots Uncovered, Climate Future Uncertain
Genetic Bottleneck in Neolithic Sheep Husbandry Revealed
Exploring Enhanced Antibodies and Autoimmune Disease Control
How Seaweed Became Multicellular
Genetic Link to High Muscle Strength May Shield from Illness
Savanna Mammals Threatened by Genetic Issues from Fences, Roads
Savanna Mammals Grapple with Genetic Issues from Fences, Roads
First Nitrogen-Fixing Organelle Uncovered by Scientists
Research Identifies Chromosome Ends as Targets for Disease Prevention
New Genetic Risk Factors for Persistent HPV Identified