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Exoplanets True To Size
Quest for New Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry Begins
Next-generation Triggers For CERN Detectors
Large Hadron Collider Achieves Stable Beams in 2024
CERN's CMS Experiment Gauges Crucial Standard Model Parameter
Gippsland Plumber Earns Astronomy Medal for 400K Star Measurements
Stars' Shredding Briefly Rouses Dormant Supermassive Black Holes
Stars Devouring Own Planets: Stellar Murder Unveiled
Observing Accelerator Resonances In 4D
Red Giants' Baritone Refines Cosmic Distance Metrics
NASA Team Picks Survey for Far Side Galactic Mapping
Glowing Flowers Brighten Homes, Gardens with Organic Light
JWST Low-Mass Galaxy Study May Resolve Early Universe Debate
Cosmic Lighthouses Clearing Primordial Fog Identified by JWST
James Webb Telescope Shows Low-Mass Galaxies' Key Role in Universe Reionization
Black Hole Find Could Revise Galaxy Formation Theory
Striving Toward New Era Of LHC
CERN Accelerators Resume Action Post-Winter Maintenance
Chinese Academy Discovers First Super PeVatron in Giant Gamma-Ray Bubble
Black Hole, Brightest Night Sky Object, Grows Sun Daily
Discovery Alert: Luminous Cloud Signals Cosmic Collision
Accelerator Complex Readies for Action Post-Winter Break
Weighing Galaxy Clusters
CERN Council Evaluates Next-Generation Collider Feasibility
Chamonix: building on success, planning for future
NASA Probes Universe's Most Powerful Gamma-Ray Bursts
Dark Energy Fuels Accelerated Universe Expansion
Boosting Solid-State Phosphorescence in π-Electronic Molecules
Cool kickers for HL-LHC 31 January
Cornell takes role in advancing software at CERN
Scientists Uncover Source of Supermassive Black Holes' Intense Light
McGill, UdeM Astronomers Uncover Secrets of Hot Saturn, Spotted Star
Lancaster University Aids Major Upgrade at CERN's Collider
Hubble Discovers Galaxy Emitting Forbidden Light
Drought Refugees in Africa Battle Flood Risks
Prepping for Data From Roman Space Telescope
US-Constructed Focusing Magnet for LHC Upgrade Lands at CERN
US Accelerator Upgrade Project Ships First Magnet to CERN
Exoplanets' Climate: Thin Line Between Habitable and Hellish
Scientists measure distance to stars by their music
Particle Physics Roadmap Backs Berkeley Lab Projects
Making leap from impossible to possible
SLAC Research Priorities Included in US Particle Physics Investment Recommendations
Successful test paves way for magnet production at CERN
ALICE bags about twelve billion heavy-ion collisions
Probing Blazar Flares' Role in Neutrino Flux
Extraordinary new space phenomenon mystifies scientists
Unprecedented Flares Indicate Life in Stellar Corpse