If you've been in Mullumbimby's town centre lately, you will have noticed many temporary changes on Burringbar Street – all aimed at slowing traffic and making the town a safer place for people to relax, enjoy and shop.
When possible, Council invites the local community to experience Burringbar Street with fresh eyes, to see how it looks and feels with the temporary changes in place.
"This is a trial so these are not permanent changes – they are part of the grant-funded Talking Street project," Council's Project Planner, Isabelle Hawton said. The Talking Street project trial runs until the end of December 2021.
"So far we're hearing lots of positive feedback about the new pedestrian crossing near the Commonwealth Bank but people are strongly disliking the look of the temporary white safety bollards," she said.
"I want to reassure the Mullumbimby community that the bollards are just temporary, to help us trial the narrowing of traffic lanes near the intersection as a way to make the town centre feel safer and more pedestrian friendly.
"We've had such a strong reaction against the bollards that we are looking to modify or remove them during the trial period," Ms Hawton said.
"However, if you do walk around town and across the intersection at Stuart Street and like the narrowing of the road and how this feels when you're a pedestrian, this could be made permanent in the future, most likely as a built-up kerb or textured road finish – without any bollards.
"We're asking the wider community for their views and want to hear from parents of the local schools, students and people who live and work in Mullumbimby – are there aspects of the changes made through this trial that you think are working? Does it feel safer for kids and families? Are you more likely to enjoy your time in town now than before? What do you like about the trial and what could be better?"
Feedback is being collected via Council's Your Say page at: www.yoursaybyronshire.com.au/talkingstreettrial
Community groups, businesses and local schools and services are also being contacted to provide comments.
The Talking Street trial also includes two pop-up parklets which have been in place near the intersection of Burringbar St and Stuart St since March.
"We are considering moving the parklets to different locations over coming months to test where the need is greatest and what sort of layout and design works best," Ms Hawton said.
Council is also seeking Expressions of Interest from businesses in Mullumbimby who would like to install their own parklet on Burringbar Street. These parklets, which can provide additional outside seating space for nearby businesses, will be located in existing unused 'triangles' between garden beds and parking spaces.