$500K Reward for Details on Elizabeth Henry's Murder 26 May

Detectives from the Homicide Investigation Unit are hoping a Queensland Government reward increase to $500,000 will bring in new information to assist in providing answers into the disappearance and murder of Elizabeth Henry in Brisbane in 1998.

Elizabeth Henry, also known at Liz, was last seen alive in Fortitude Valley on the evening of February 11, 1998. She was discovered murdered the following day in Samford.

At the time of her death, Liz was a 30-year-old mother of six children and was pregnant with her seventh child.

Liz grew up in Nudgee in a large family home and was previously married before leaving Brisbane in 1996 and travelling to Townsville, Cairns, Darwin and Port Headland and Perth.

She returned to Brisbane mid-1997 and worked within the adult entertainment industry.

She frequented New Farm and Fortitude Valley areas, including outside the Lantern Café on Brunswick Street as well three dilapidated houses on Brunswick Street known as the 'Three Sisters' where she would occasionally stay with friends who lived in these houses.

An investigation into Liz's movements on Wednesday February 11, 1998, revealed Liz was working on the intersection of Brunswick Street and Terrace Street in New Farm and was last seen around 11.45pm wearing a dark denim mini skirt, shirt and carrying a small black handbag.

Shortly after 5am on Thursday February 12, 1998, her body was located by a female jogger in a cleared gravel reserve off Bygotts Road, Samford. Her clothing and handbag were never located.

A post-mortem examination revealed she had been violently assaulted with a blunt, heavy object, suffering major head injuries.

Investigations at the time indicated that Liz was killed at another location and moved to the gravel reserve, where

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