Lotterywest Grants Fun-Filled Time for Ballajura Families


An incredible new playspace is coming to Ballajura thanks to a $2 million Lotterywest grant, with site works set to start early next year.

The City of Swan made the project a priority for Ballajura in response to community feedback about outdoor play facilities.

The $2m contribution from major supporter Lotterywest has allowed the City to plan a playspace that will draw families from surrounding suburbs.

Rita Saffioti, Deputy Premier and West Swan MLA, officially presented the Lotterywest grant to the City on Friday.

The playspace will feature trampolines, exercise equipment, an obstacle course, a climbing wall and more.

It will be built close to schools and public transport, near the intersection of Illawarra Crescent South and Cassowary Drive.

Site works are expected to start in February 2024, with completion scheduled for 2025.

David Lucas, City of Swan Mayor, said the playspace would encourage people of all ages and abilities to get outside and have fun together.

"The generous contribution from Lotterywest means we can create something special for Ballajura, a community that is home to many young families," he said.

"This project is an investment in our families and the future of Ballajura.

"It will be a playspace for everyone - a place where people of all ages and abilities can have a great time and create lasting memories."

Ralph Addis, Lotterywest and Healthway CEO, said the $2m grant aimed to boost community connection.

"This grant aspires to give the community of Ballajura and surrounding suburbs a stronger sense of belonging in their community," Mr Addis said.

"We are proud to support the City of Swan to deliver a space that will encourage families to enjoy time together and support the health and wellbeing of people of all ages in the community."

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