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Research Finds Optimal Weight for Type 2 Diabetics to Reduce Death Risk
US Marines Resume Operations in Top End
Key Quality-Control Mechanism Found in DNA Replication
Penn Medicine Unveils Key DNA Replication Quality-control Mechanism
OSCE Bolsters Virtual Asset Regulation Skills in Georgia Workshop
Virtual Rehab Boosts Stroke Recovery Benefits
Imaging Reveals Brief Hypoxic Pockets in Mouse Brain
Novel Imaging Technique Traces Oxygen Path in Brain
UN Urges France: Ensure Safe Water in Guadeloupe
NATO Military Chief Marks 20th Anniversary of Latvia's Membership
First Standards for Gauging Lifestyle Medicine Efficacy Released
NASAs Loral OHara Highlights Expedition 70 Science
Need for Unique Injury Prevention in Women's Rugby
Does Memorising Music Enhance Piano Performance? Durham Study
Childhood Inactivity Linked to Early Vascular Damage: Exeter Study
Rangers' Patrol Spurs Successful Prosecutions
Jindabyne Skate Park Reopens Post-Renovation, Earns Praise
Understanding Easter Ritual: Stations of Cross
Outdoor Swimming Proven Beneficial for Depression: UoP Study
Ph.D. Candidate Aims to Enhance Science Communication Accuracy
Urgent Easter Road Safety Reminder Issued by Gold Coast Police
Labor Approves Huge Gas Project on Easter Eve: Greens
Newcastle City Enables Essential Emergency Response Training
Strike Day Cover Raises Patient Safety Fears, Documents Show
AFL's Illicit Drugs Policy: Necessary Duty or Protection Racket?
Embracing Duty as First Responder
APS Gets Glimpse of Navy Life
Sec. Haaland Announces Park Investments, Ecosystem Restoration in CA Visit
Robot Learns to Say Cheese
Chaudière Crossing to Experience Alternating Lane Closure 28 March
Oregon Program Boosts Activity in Disabled Kids Through Dog-Training
US Navy, Japanese Maritime Force Hold Strategic Dialogue
Red Flag-Nellis 24-2 Reshapes Future of Air Combat
Exploring Serious Aspect of Child-Dog Play
Exercise Impacts Obesity Despite Genetic Risk Factors
Greater Obesity Genetic Risk Demands More Exercise for Results
Regular Exercise Lowers Long-Term Insomnia Risk
Honey Proven to Alleviate Hay Fever Symptoms, Studies Show
UN Reports on Disability Rights in Seven Countries
Physical Activity Shields Against Chronic Pain, Study Finds
Vet Expert Advises Against Respiratory Distress in Flat-Faced Pets
High-Stress Times May Amplify Heart Attack Risk in Genes
UK Gov Unveils Defence Experimentation, Wargaming Hub
Romania Trains Countries for Mandatory Audits
UK Navy Ships Dock in Chennai for Historic Visit
Joyful Gut Health and Tastebuds with New Chocolate
Image Depicts Football Team
Yemen's Houthis Sentence Men to Death, Flogging